Friday, January 4, 2008

New Years' Resolutions!!

Hi All,

I just realized that I forgot to record my steps for the first few days of the year! Just a reminder to keep your steps counted to see if we can all get in better shape as a family this year! May the force be with you as the holiday chocolate comes off you!

Also, what are your other New Years' resolutions? I'm writing mine but I'll post them once I get them done.



Chelsea and Tyson said...

Some of our New Years Resolutions are to go every month to the temple, Tyson wants straight A's (I'm not even going to try to reach that:) 100% home teaching & visiting teaching, and have oodles of fun :)

jasongordon34 said...

I am keeping track and cant wait to see how I compare to your walking :)

coryshay said...

Im going to try and read more classics this year, starting with Three Musketeers, Little Women, and Tale of Two Cities. I'm going to try to read Jesus the Christ this year too. I'm going to try to get down to my prepregnancy weight by the end of the year, and, I don't know, maybe I'll have a baby this year!