Sunday, April 18, 2010

Maddox - continued

Tyson, Chelsea, and Afton came down from Logan to Brigham City to come to the mini Billings Reunion. It was so fun to see them. Afton was sick, so she wasn't a very happy little baby (like she usually is). Lexie passed the time with Afton and Jojo by reading some books Chelsea brought to Jocelyn.
This is Kristy (Billings) Crabtree with her two kids, Matthew and _______ (I can't remember her name, sorry!) Brady had to work so he couldn't be there.

Tyson had to sneak into the babies little gold fish stash because our food didn't come for a long time.

To be continued. (I don't know why this is only letting me do 4 pictures at a time. Dang!)
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